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​Early life

Pedro was born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal where he was surrounded by sealife. He explained how he quickly became interested in diving and fish because his father was a fisherman.

This drove him to his decision on what to study.


In university, Pedro realised he did not enjoy science as much as he thought, so he decided to take a master's degree in his other interest - drawing.

​He got a Fullbright scholarship to learn scientific illustration at the University of California.

He never imagined that a self-taught hobby would become so important for him.


Going into scientific illustration changed Pedro's life and to this day he vouches for the decision he made to leave his home country.

It was a time where opportunities for portuguese students were very limited but to this day he stands by the importance of pushing for internationality

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He became interested in sealife as a child becuase of where he grew up in. His father (in the middle) was a fisherman and would take Pedro with him fishing.

His interest in marine biology was still as relevant as it was before he went into illustration.